Wednesday, June 29, 2022

June 2022

Summer is Here

Summer is officially underway and we are enjoying this heat and sun. Mom and dad have a trip planned to Nashville this coming month. Mama Fili will be celebrating her 86th birthday on the 4th of July. I just got back from a trip to visit our marketing rep, Lexie, in New York. Addison and Lex are both planning trips home this summer!  Above is the Freeman and Sardarianpour Wedding.  Lots of exciting things coming our way. We hope your summer has been off to a great start and you have a safe and fun 4th of July weekend. 

Spotify Summer Playlist 

There is nothing better than blasting some summer jams with your windows down, outside tanning in the sun, or while grilling in the backyard for your friends and family. I put together a mix of some feel good summer songs to add to your summer hits playlist. "Don't forget your SPF 30 +"

1. Are You Gonna Be My Girl - Jet 
2. Heat Waves - Glass Animals 
3. Sunday Best - Surfaces 
4. Mr. Brightside - The Killers 
5. House Party - Sam Hunt 
6. 7 Summers - Morgan Wallen 
7. Can't Hold Us Back - Macklemore 
8. Crazy In Love - BeyoncĂ© & Jay-Z 
9. WTF - Missy Elliot ft. Pharrell Williams 
10. Plain Jane REMIX - A$AP Ferg 

Summer Strength Workout 

Building some lean muscle this summer with this strength based workout. Grab a pair of 10lb. dumbbells or greater and let's get moving. Always have the option to take any of these as body weight! 

10 Reps 

-Hip Hinge Low Row
-Overhead Shoulder Press 
-Weighted Glute Bridge 
-Overhead Tricep Extension 

Make sure to warm up and cool down. You will be alternating between a lower body and an upper body exercise. Try to take these exercises back to back with minimal to no rest. Rest and recover between rounds! Get your sweat on and build some strength. Aim to incorporate strength training 2x per week. 

Restaurant Review: Philz Coffee 

I love looking for a good cup of joe. I typically prefer black coffee as apposed to something with cream or milk based and Philz does it right. They brew every single cup or drip I should say individually with love and care. This is not the place to go if you are in a rush, expect to wait 5-10 min for your warm cup. They have iced, hot, and teas. Everything starts black and you can build from there. 

The baristas are excellent and will always give great suggestions if you have no idea where to start or if you know an idea of a taste you're looking for. My personal favorites are the Iced Mint Mojito if I am looking for something refreshing and cold and the Tesora straight up is what I will typically go for! 

Located directly off the 101 in Encinitas, a perfect place to go grab a cup and enjoy walking downtown or take it down to the beach. 

Beach Cooler 

If you are anything like me you are a big time snacker while you are enjoying some sun at the beach. I make sure to stay on track with my healthy habits by aways setting myself up for success that way I'm not ravenous when I get home, or grabbing whatever I can get at the local 7/11. Here is an idea of what I pack in my cooler for a ay spent at the beach! 

1. Hydrate hydrate hydrate!
Always make sure to have a hydro flask of water then a couple sparkling waters or Gatorades to keep me refreshed and hydrated. 

2. Protein 
Easy to pack and eat at the beach, a traditional turkey sandy. I love a good turkey sandwich with some lettuce, avocado, sprouts, and mustard. Keeps you satisfied without feeling too full. 

3. Crunchy and savory 
Beanfield salt and vinegar chips are my go to crunchy snack. Gluten free and very savory. I love pairing them with my sandwich at lunch time

4. Sweet 
I always find myself craving something sweet later in the afternoon. I love slicing up some cold watermelon and mango for a more refreshing option. A good chocolate protein bar is another good snack option, or some dark chocolate covered almonds always seem to do the trick! 

Trader Joe's Must-Haves 

We all love a good Trader Joe's haul. I typically find myself there 1-2x per week. Not too sure if that is a good or bad thing... But it has made me realize a few must have items I find myself constantly buying. Here are a couple you can add to your next TJ run: 

1. Barbell Protein Bars - Cookies & Creme 

2. Dark Chocolate Carmel Bar - THE BEST 

3. Gnocchi - Sweet Potato & Cauliflower 

4. Mango - ALWAYS ripe 

5. Flowers - Cheap & pretty, will automatically make you smile and increase your mood 

A Note from the Agency Owner

What is my time line to retire ?  How do I feel about my investment portfolio increasing and decreasing by 30% ?  Am I concerned about leaving money to my heirs ?  Do I have life insurance to leave my children or grandchildren ?  Should I convert my IRA's into a ROTH IRA ?

All the questions above are spurred by our current economy and world events.  What goes up must come down.  Take a look for yourself at how the DOW Jones Industrial Index has done over time and you will see up and downs.  But why does the graph look like a mountain with no peek ?  This is a question that investors hope to remain constant.  The concerns of an investor should be about diversification, fund expenses and when to shift into a more conservative portfolio.  When you plan on retiring, make certain you start converting into fixed income vehicles about 7 years from that magic date.  Some of us will be working until we are 70.  Some of my friends have retired at age 55.  Some will work for the rest of their lives.  Everyone is different and everyone has different opinions on money.  In any event, it is our own responsibility to build and save for our golden years.  Run your social security statement each year to see what our government will be promising you.  Keep asking the questions, keep investing in knowledge and surround yourself with joyful and balanced people. 

Kindly and Respectfully, Glenn & Amanda Domingo, your agency for a lifetime 

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