Wednesday, December 4, 2019

December 2019

A Month of Thanks 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! As the year is coming to an end, it is always a good idea to reflect on all the opportunities we have had this year. Someone once told me it is impossible to be unhappy and grateful at the same time. I often have to remind myself of this as I am constantly thinking about going home. I am so grateful for the opportunity I have to live in arguably the greatest city in the world with my best friend, my sister. We often get so wrapped up on things we may be missing out on or always thinking about what is going to come next, we forget to be thankful for the moments we are living in right now. The memories we have made here are going to last a lifetime and we cherish the opportunity. Of course we want to thank each and every one of you. We value your business and most importantly, your friendship. Our family would not have been able to experience some of our greatest joys without your support. Of course, I want to give a special thanks to my mom and dad. For always working hard and supporting our dreams no matter how big they may seem. Again, we thank you and hope to connect with each and every one of you as we enter the holiday season and the new year!

Trip Home 

Although Lex & I spent Thanksgiving in New York, we did get to go home for a quick trip earlier this month. It is always nice to see the family and familiar faces. There is such an appreciate for the town that I grew up in each time I visit. There really is no place like home. I look forward to our Christmas trip coming up in 3 weeks. We had to go see our dog, Bailey as she is on her last days. Bay is 16 now and has lived a long good life. She has been there for every big moment in my life and I will miss that crazy dog so much. I know Mom and Dad can't wait to have all 3 of us back home. I always look forward to runs at the beach, spending time with family, and of course curling up on my favorite spot on the couch.

East Coast / West Coast Thanksgiving 

It is so different to have all of us in different areas for holidays. It is something that takes some getting used to and you don't realize how different it is until you aren't with your family. Addison spent his Thanksgiving holiday with his girlfriend and her family down in Miami, mom and dad enjoyed a meal with the Domingo side and then hosted a bunch of family friends for a Bingo's Bash reunion. I was lucky enough to spend Thanksgiving with friends that are like my family on the east coast. I am so grateful for the people I get to be surrounded with on a daily basis who are so strong, inspiring, and always push me to be better.

Homemade PB Cups 

- coconut oil (1/3-1/2 cup, melted)
- dark chocolate bars (2)
- unsalted peanut butter (1 tsp. per cup)
- silicone mini muffin tray 

Melt coconut oil and dark chocolate bars. For the first layer, poor melted chocolate. Freeze for 5 minutes. Take 1 tsp. of peanut butter for every mini muffin spot. Freeze another 5 minutes. Poor remaining melted chocolate on top for the last layer, freeze again. Store in freezer for up to two weeks, take out and thaw for 3-5 minutes before eating.

Turkey Trot 

Interval Treadmill Workout: 

Here is my little twist on this months workout: 

5 min warm up walk - 3-4mph @ 10% incline 
5 min jog - 5mph or greater @ 1% incline 

30s SPRINT - 10mph or greater @ 1% incline 
30s WALK/JOG - 3-5mph @ 1% incline 

Repeat SPRINT/WALK 10-15 times. 

5 min cool down walk - 3-4mph @ 2-5% incline 

Get up and get moving! Lots of parties happening during the holidays. Hold yourself accountable, grab a family member or a friend and commit to moving your body every day. Enter the new year already beginning to crush your goals. 

Healthy Holiday Swaps 

Image result for healthy holiday swapsI love the holiday season for many reasons! Baking and cooking with my sister and mom is one of my favorite things to do! As we attempt to stay healthy throughout the holidays I thought I would share some easy swaps you can make to save yourself some calories. Here are some healthy holiday swaps that we use in our home, enjoy! 

Holiday Tips 

1. Fill up your plate with veggies first.
2. Wait 20 minutes before getting a second serving. This allows your brain to actually process if you are really hungry or just eating because it is sitting right in front of you.
3. Drink a glass of water before and after your meal. I love warm lemon water!
4. Pick and choose when to indulge. Of course no one should deprive themselves during the holidays, but if you know you have a lot of parties and gatherings coming up, try and plan when to maybe skip out on the dessert and/or alcohol.
5. Move your body every day! It doesn't have to be anything super intense, just try to get at least 20 minutes of movement in during your day to keep your heart full and healthy.
6. Enjoy your time with family and friends! Don't stress it too much. Use the time to connect with people and begin to set your intentions for the upcoming year.

A Note From Glenn

First of all, I am Thankful to our Lord in heaven for the blessings He has bestowed upon me and my family.  Many of you close to me know our story, and for those of you who do not, let me start by saying, "I would of never imagined where me and my family are today spiritually, mentally and financially." We must keep fighting the good fight and we must focus on finishing life's race strong.

Thank you Amanda for a very heartfelt Blog.  I am so grateful for my children and for Jenifer.  We all know as a family that life will have it's ups and downs.  We all know that we can depend on each other for support and encouragement.  We all know that we are not in control and that we rely on God, our Creator on our blessings and well-being.

Some of the mental strength I receive comes from staying consistent and staying the course.  Even if we had a tough month financially, I always made certain to give first, then pay myself.  "Paying your self first" is a coined statement used by financial planning experts.  I like to set it and forget it with our families savings.  Automatic, monthly payments to our retirement is how I like to execute the coined phrase.  It is a monthly bill I will always have until I retire.  Staying the course and making certain your investment strategy stays inline with your risk tolerance is the key to peace of mind in market fluctuations.  The term dollar cost averaging means you invest a certain amount each month or quarter to a consistent investment in order to by the equity, bond, mutual fund, etc. both at the high point and the low point of the year.  Dollar Cost Averaging eliminates market timing.  You can start off with just $50.00 a month into some of the most utilized mutual funds in the world.  Ask me how and I will show you how.

So how do you plan on having a clear vision of the year 2020 ?  Time to scratch off the goals that you have accomplished, bring the items and goals that were not completed to the top of your list and evaluate why it did not happen.  As I mentioned in a previous blog, I have been setting and changing my goals since 1996.  I still have my original goal sheet printed out from a dot matrix Apple Printer.  Understand the priorities of the goals and sort them from importance, A B C D etc.  Some of you have gone through the "Day Timer" training I did in the early 90's.  Keep on striving and keep on learning friends.  As we plan for December and for 2020, I look forward to chatting with each of you in the coming month and New Year.  We are your Agency for Life and look forward to hearing your exciting news, sad news or just average news from you.  We are doing life together family and friends and The Farmers Insurance Group of Companies has allowed the Domingo's of Carlsbad to keep growing and learning.  Wishing each of you a very Prosperous, Protected and most of all, Peaceful Holiday Season.

Kindly and with Gratitude, the bloggers from the East and West Coast,

Glenn & Amanda Domingo

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