Friday, July 10, 2015

Jump Around

One of my favorite exercises is jumping rope. I jump rope nearly everyday. It is great for your cardiovascular system and can be done pretty much anywhere. Jump ropes are so easy to carry around and have many health benefits. Take it to the boardwalk on the beach, jump in your garage, go to a local park, or even take it to your child's sporting event and jump while you are waiting for their game to start.


Jumping Benefits

1. Improving Coordination

You may not realize it, but skipping rope helps with your coordination. Your brain and feet are conscious of each other and coordinate together. Try new tricks like criss crossing your rope or double jumping to become more conscious and coordinated.

2. Feel the Burn

Often, jumping rope can burn more calories than jogging because the vigorous activity gets your heart rate up quickly causing you to burn up to 1300 per hour. 

3. Improves Cardiovascular Health 

Jump roping is a great aerobic exercise. By skipping 3-5 times per week for 12-20 minuets, you can increase your lung and heart health. The cardiovascular exercise also improves breathing and makes it easier to do activity. 

4. Working Smarter 

Jumping helps develop the left and right halves of your brain. It enhances spacial awareness, increases reading skills, increases memory, and makes you more alert. 

5. No Excuses 

It is so easy to travel with a jump rope. Leave one in your car, in your desk at the office, or keep one in our carry on bag if you have to travel on a plane often. It is an easy portable workout that can be done pretty much anywhere. 

Skipping Workout for Beginners

Here is a 15 minute skipping workout you can get in during anytime of the day.

50 regular skips
50 scissor skips 
50 heel taps 
50 ski skips 
15 second break 


Complete each of the 4 skipping exercises, 50 reps each then take a 15 second break. Continue this pattern until your 15 minute timer is up. 

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