Thursday, January 29, 2015

Attention Homeowners: 5 Tips To Go Green In Your Home

Want to save money while saving energy? It can be done by some quick , easy, at home fixes. Here are five basic ways to cut your energy bill and help the environment.

1. Light-bulbs to LED 

Try to start out by changing just 5 light-bulbs in your home to LED bulbs. Believe it or not, they are actually cheaper over time and will save energy while saving you money. Now I know they can be bright, so you may want to avoid changing them in your room if you aren't an early riser! Instead you can try changing them in closets, pantries, or the laundry room.

2. Power Up The Strips!

Think of all those phone, iPad, and kindle chargers you have just sitting in the power circuits at home. An easy way to save energy is to use power strips. Plug in all the chargers to one power strip and just turn off the strip when you aren't using it. A quick way to cut your energy bill. 

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Stop buying all those cases of water every couple of weeks and invest in a purified water pitcher. Keep it in your fridge and fill reusable water bottles. This has helped my family save money every month and can easily help yours too. A win-win for you and the environment.

4. What Answering Machine?

Now a days, many people rely on their cellphones, leaving the answering machine just sitting plugged in somewhere in your home. Save money buy taking it out and relying on voice mails. It is an easy efficient fix that saves money and energy.

5. Morning Routines 

Who doesn't love those hot morning showers? Try cutting your shower time to save energy and water. Also, turn the water off while brushing your teeth in the morning and evening. Cutting your water usage can help in the drought we are in and easily save you money. 

Have you made any "green" changes in your home? Comment them below! Never hesitate to call with any questions or concerns. You can reach us at our office in Oceanside, California or call 866.486.3276. Feel free to visit my website at for business hours or further questions or concerns. 

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